Sega are ‘extremely optimistic’ of NGP’s success

Sega West president Mike Hayes has stated that the company are confident in the success of Sony’s new handheld, the NGP (previously known as the PSP2.) Sega were one of the few developers to showcase their software running on the new handheld when it was unveiled at Sony’s Tokyo launch last week.

Yakuza 4 was shown running at full pelt on the NGP, supporting the notion that it was as powerful as the PS3. “We are extremely optimistic about the new device hence our upfront and early commitment,” Hayes said, but added that he had “no idea” what the price of the console will be.

The original PSP had a good start with sales but the success of the NDS, the failures of the UMD discs and extreme piracy soon ground the handheld’s commercial success to a halt. But Hayes has said that “I would disagree on the point that PSP failed.” For those of us that embraced the portable platform from the beginning we had a very successful and profitable run.”

Will the NGP fix the mistakes of its predecessor? Only time will tell so check back for more NGP news.

Thanks to CVG for the info.
