Sega Plans to Publish Five PS Vita Games This Year

Sega may just provide that extra boost that the handheld needs.

In its recent financial reports, Sega has revealed that it will be bringing five new PlayStation Vita games to the handheld this year. And as if that weren’t enough, it will also be publishing seven games for the Wii U as well (with, we’re guessing, Bayonetta 2 being one of them).

The company will also publish next-gen software, though details are still scant on what that involves.

As it stands, while Sega, along with Gearbox, may be under threat of a civil action lawsuit for Aliens: Colonial Marines, the game did manage to sell 1.3 million copies across all three platforms it released on. But almost tragically, it shifted about the same number (1.36 million) for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, which is a far superior game.

That’s just how the cookie crumbles, we suppose.

Developed by Gearbox Software and TimeGate, Aliens: Colonial Marines was released to almost universal loathing, most especially due to its hilarious and multiple bugs.

Aliens: Colonial MarinesPS VitaSegaSonic & All-Stars Racing Transformedwii u