Shuhei Yoshida Talks Indie Game Appeal for PS4, Doesn’t Know Why Some Prefer Only AAA Titles

SCE president talks about Resogun and how not everyone tried it despite it being free on PS Plus.

Even though Sony is pushing not one but two big shooters for the PS4, namely The Order: 1886 and Uncharted 4, President of Worldwide Studios for SCE Shuhei Yoshida believes the smaller, non-triple A titles are still important. In conversation with Games Industry International following the Gamelab conference at Barcelona, Yoshida flatly said he doesn’t understand why some gamers are only interested in blockbuster titles.

“We are concerned a little bit when we work on a game like LittleBigPlanet 3, because people want those big-budget, realistic, military shooters,” he said. “I was very happy to get a very positive reaction when we announced LittleBigPlanet 3. But there were lots of cheers, a lot of affection. And the reaction to Nintendo’s games in general, or a game like Splatoon. If you look at the whole industry, and you consider Nintendo, I think the balance is actually better than past years.”

Yoshida cites the reception to Resogun as a key point in his argument. “Not every PS Plus member downloaded it, and that’s a great, great game. That’s a key question for us. I hear complaints [about the lack of AAA games]. I do realize that some people are only interested in big-budget AAA games. I don’t really understand those people. I don’t know if they’ve tried some of the indie games and decided they’re not interested.

“Maybe they haven’t even tried. That’s a key question. Almost every week you see an indie game coming out digitally on PS4. Some of them are really, really interesting, beautiful games. We’re fortunate that they’re creating games on PS4, and some of them are choosing to launch their console versions on PlayStation first.”

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