Original Features For Sniper Elite: Resistance

Sniper Elite: Resistance Interview – Level Design, X-Ray Kills, and More

Sniper Elite: Resistance Interview – Level Design, X-Ray Kills, and More

The lead level designer behind Sniper Elite: Resistance has also told us about PS5 Pro enhancements to the game, along with other technical details.

Ranking All Sniper Elite Games – Before You Start Sniper Elite: Resistance

Ranking All Sniper Elite Games – Before You Start Sniper Elite: Resistance

The World War 2 shooter franchise has endured through the years, but how do its various titles and spin-offs rank? Find out here.

Sniper Elite: Resistance -Everything You Need to Know

Sniper Elite: Resistance -Everything You Need to Know

Planning to buy Sniper Elite Resistance? Here are 15 things you need to know before you do so.

Why We Can’t Wait for Sniper Elite: Resistance

Why We Can’t Wait for Sniper Elite: Resistance

Rebellion's upcoming tactical stealth shooter looks like yet another solid Sniper Elite outing.