Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida Teases PS4 Lineup At The Tokyo Game Show

They're not done just yet.

Sony may have had a remarkable, unforgettable E3, but they are not done just yet. In fact, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida seems to be excited at the prospect of upcoming Sony first party games- specifically, he seems to be pretty pumped about the new games that Sucker Punch (of inFamous fame) and Japan Studios (most recently bringing us Bloodborne) are working on.

Another game that we will see soon is the new Gravity Rush, the sequel to the PS Vita exclusive hit action adventure that was teased almost two years ago now. Yoshida also mentioned that he had played Quantic Dream’s (known for Heavy Rain and Beyond) newest game, though he declined to say any more about it.

He said only to wait for Tokyo Game Show to find out more about Sony’s lineup. Personally, considering how much on the ball Sony has been for the last few conferences now, I am ready to get hyped.

ps4Quantic DreamShuhei YoshidaSony Japansony worldwide studiosSucker Punchtgs 2015