Splatoon Continues Dominance in Media Create Charts

Nintendo Wii U is top selling console for the second week in Japan.

Splatoon seems to have become the success that Nintendo needed in Japan. After debuting on May 28th, recent Media Create charts have pegged the Wii U shooter as selling 68,913 units for a lifetime sales total of 213,731 units. It also further pushed up sales of the Nintendo Wii U with the console selling 21,169 units in the past week compared to 17,313 units the week prior (which itself topped the hardware charts).

This week is full of new entries with the Vita receiving Shiren the Wanderer 5 Plus (16,224 units), Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakusho releasing on the PS4 (13,868 units) and Stella Glow on the 3DS (13,332 units). The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues to hold a respectable position in the charts with 13,272 units sold this week on PS4 (103,111 units sold over its lifetime in Japan).

Older titles like Mario Kart 8 with 12,884 units sold this week and Minecraft: PS Vita Edition with 10,708 units sold continue to hang on with the former recently passing 1 million units sold. It will be interesting to see how the charts work out when E3 2015 comes.


Media CreateNintendosplatoonwii u