Star Citizen Dev: Consoles Couldn’t Handle Star Citizen

Cloud Imperium discusses why their upcoming Star Citizen is PC exclusive.

Star Citizen is PC exclusive. That’s sort of always been taken for granted, and though there’s been some grumbling about it from the usual console fanboy quarters, no one has ever actually questioned the exclusivity of the upcoming next generation space sim. However, Cloud Imperium’s Eric Peterson tackled the question head on regardless, discussing why the game was not coming to consoles in an interview with Italian game site PC Gaming (translation via Worlds Factory).

“First and foremost, consoles couldn’t possibly handle a game like Star Citizen,” he said. “Chris and I grew up with PC games and in the last few years we had the feeling that PC had been pushed aside, with most games coming out as mere console ports with graphics that didn’t really exploit the power of PC. Gaming PCs right now are formidable, with powerful CPUs and GPUs. Even next generation consoles cannot be compared, their internal components are already older than what I could add to a gaming PC today. We wanted to create a game that showed everyone the capabilities of PC, for those that have fun building configurations with double GPUs and liquid cooling, who no doubt were frustrated to not be able to fully use the potential of their machines.”

So it sounds like a mix of the practical reasons- consoles simply being unable to handle Star Citizen- and the more idealistic- the developers loving PC gaming, and wanting to craft a showpiece for it.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage of Star Citizen.

cloud imperiumpc gamingStar Citizen