Star Wars Battlefront Developer: Game Making Progress, Chronology Revealed

Some updates on one of 2015's most anticipated game.

For all of those who you that can’t make it to the Play Tests of Star Wars Battlefront this coming Friday, there is at least (finally) some worthwhile information rolling out for the anticipated shooter that will make or break a lot of gamers relationships with DICE.

Viktor Lundberg, a designer on the game, has taken to Twitter to tell us that the game is at least making progress, he said “So much progress over the last couple of weeks. Looking forward to us all getting Thursday-Monday off.” Not only that, Disney and LucasArts have released an all new “official” infographic that shows where the game fits in the official Chronology of the Star Wars Canon.

And I must say that while I’m not thrilled by its position, it’s better than nothing. Why am I not thrilled? Well, its placement leaves it open to receive plenty of DLC, and we all know how much EA love to do that with their DICE properties. Star Wars: Battlefront launches later this year on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

DICEdisneyEAInforgraphicLucasartsStar Wars: Battlefront