Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Producer Quits LucasArts

 Haden Blackman, the mastermind behind the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed games, has formally announced his resignation from LucasArts, a statement that has since been corraborated by the company.

Blackman has been in LucasArts for thirteen years now. Apart from The Force Unleashed, his resume boasts of games uch as Star Wars: Force Commander, Star Wars Galaxies, as well as a number of Star Wars themed comics.

Speaking to IGN, he said: “While the decision to leave LucasArts did not happen overnight or come easily, I really feel that now is the best time for me to move on and explore new creative challenges and I look forward to the next phase of my career.”

Fair enough, and I think I speak for everybody when I say that we’re all gonna be looking forward to his next game. The Force Unleashed may not have been the greatest game ever, but it certainly was built around a novel idea. Its sequel, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, is due this October for every gaming platform in existence.

LucasartsStar Wars The Force UnleashedStar Wars: The Force Unleashed 2