Subnautica is Unknown Worlds’ New Game

An open world underwater exploration and construction game.

Unknown Worlds has started work on a new game. Called Subnautica, it is an open world underwater exploration and construction game. It will allegedly combine elements of role playing, sandbox, exploration and cinematic games to create a unique experience, inventing a new genre along the way, according to the developers.

Subnautica is a game about exploring the unknown- you will be exploring sub-marine depths, and will be invited to construct better submarines to explore farther and farther. The game is intent on constructing a good atmosphere to accurately convey the feeling of being underwater.

The game is currently just beginning development, although Unknown Worlds is hoping to involve the community via sovial media channels- over Facebook, Twitter, and on their forums.

It’s from the same team that gave us Natural Selection 2, so we are pretty darn excited. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage of this title in the coming months.

natral selection iisubnauticaUnknown Worlds