Super Mario Maker Comes With 100 Courses In The Package

It's a Nintendo game, of course it would have a single player component.

Super Mario Maker is Nintendo’s long overdue acknowledgement of the Mario modding and user creation scene, as well as their riff on LittleBigPlanet (since they have actual, good platforming mechanics, they have already won this battle). Allowing users to create, modify, and share custom 2D Mario courses, made across four distinct eras of 2D Mario platforming, it promises endless fun to the player, as long as the community remains engaged (and the community always remains engaged for Nintendo titles, so that isn’t a concern).

That said, a lot of people have been wondering about just how playable the game will be out of the box- will it have any actual single player campaign mode, or something resembling it, or will it just rely on user created content? Well, we have our answer now, as it appears as though Super Mario Maker will come with hefty single player component.

“By connecting to the internet, you can download and play courses created by other players from all over the world! There are also 100 courses included that you can play without an internet connection,” Nintendo said.

If these courses are anywhere close in ingenuity and devilish toughness as the ones that Nintendo showed off at the Nintendo World Championships, then players will be playing them for a long time to come.

Super Mario Maker launches exclusively on Wii U on September 11.

NintendoSuper Mario Makerwii u