Super Mario May Be A Nintendo Switch Launch Title

Here we go!

Earlier today, we reported that Nintendo’s long anticipated and equally long delayed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is likely to be delayed again, meaning that it will not be hitting the Nintendo Switch launch. Now while that’s a bummer on its own to begin with, it does raise the question- if not Zelda, then what will Nintendo be launching the Switch with?

The answer to that? It may be launching with a brand new Mario game- the very same Mario game, in fact, as the one that we saw briefly during Nintendo Switch’s unveiling. According to Eurogamer’s sources, it seems like development on Super Mario Switch (obviously not the final title) is coming along well enough that Nintendo may feel comfortable launching it alongside the Switch in March.

If this is true, then the Nintendo Switch will become the first Nintendo machine since the Nintendo 64 in 1996 to launch with a mainline Mario game alongside it- and assuming the new Mario game goes back to the Super Mario 64/Galaxy formula, we can see that being a significant draw for a lot of people.

Nintendonintendo switchsuper mario