Super Mario Odyssey File Size on Nintendo Switch Revealed

And it's a lot smaller than you might think given the game's ambition.

Nintendo’s Super Mario Odyssey promises to be a massive game, one full of several sandbox worlds with puzzles, objects and enemies to capture and transform into, and Power Moons to collect. A lot of Power Moons.

However, the game itself won’t necessarily be that big when it comes to install size. Nintendo revealed on its Japanese store that the file size for the digital version is 5.7 GB.

Of course, when you look at other Nintendo Switch games like Splatoon (3.1 GB) or ARMS (2.2 GB), it’s probably not all that surprising. It’s not like Nintendo has full HD textures and photo-realistic visuals to worry about with some of its games. However, this is still incredibly impressive especially when factoring in the sheer size of Super Mario Odyssey.

Super Mario Odyssey releases on October 27th for Nintendo Switch. Check out the most recent gameplay trailer for more information on what you can do and the worlds you’ll visit.

Nintendonintendo switchSuper Mario Odyssey