Super Mario Odyssey Is An Open World 3D Mario, Coming This Holiday Season

This was the highlight.

In what was probably the highlight of an otherwise unimpressive showing tonight, Nintendo debuted something that fans have wanted ever since the Nintendo 64 era- a brand new, open world, 3D Mario game. And when I say open world, I mean open world- we’re going full Mario meets Grand Theft Auto with this game here.

The game looked absolutely amazing, adding a repertoire of parkour based moves to Mario, the likes of which he has never seen before. Graphically, Nintendo’s amazing Pixar art style shone and came to life- this is the kind of Mario game that would have sold the Wii U, had it ever been made available for the system.

Nintendo conceded that this is their first big Mario game since Super Mario Sunshine on the Gamecube- so again, this is a return to a style of gameplay that fans have been clamoring for for over a decade now. Thankfully, they won’t have long to wait- Super Mario Odyssey will launch exclusively on the Nintendo Switch this Fall.

Nintendonintendo switchSuper Mario Odyssey