Super Mario Odyssey Looks Like The Game Of The Forever In This New Video

Plus, Nintendo Switch bundle announced.

It’s a bit weird to consider that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might not be the best game even in the year that it released in- but that is exactly what might happen if Super Mario Odyssey ends up being as great as it looks.

Nintendo showed us a new gameplay video detailing more of what we can expect from the game as the capper for their Nintendo Direct today, and… that game looks utterly fantastic. It’s actually a bit unbelievable how great it seems to look. Nintendo will be employing every ounce of their creativity, and the sandbox level design that made Super Mario 64 so beloved, to deliver what might end up being one of the defining games of all time.

You can check out the footage for yourself below- that’s not all, either. Nintendo has also announced a Nintendo Switch bundle with Super Mario Odyssey for this Holiday season. The bundle will cost $380, and will come with the Switch, exclusive red Joycons, a copy of the game, and a nice case. Super Mario Odyssey launches on October 27, only on the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendonintendo switchSuper Mario Odyssey