Super Mario Odyssey May Get More DLC in the Future

"If there was a really cool idea for us to do, then we would certainly be thinking about DLC."

Super Mario Odyssey was a ridiculously massive game- it had a staggering 999 moons for players to collect across over a dozen kingdoms. It was fully featured and content complete upon release, much unlike most other AAA games these days- and Nintendo since has continued to add to it, such as with the release of the free Luigi’s Balloon Challenge mode to the game in a recent update, which adds a competitive online multiplayer mode to the game.

But is there potential for more traditional DLC for the game, too? Speaking to Game Informer (March Issue)Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi talked about how Nintendo had striven to stuff the main game itself with as much content as they could- but how that doesn’t necessarily rule out DLC in the future, either.

“There’s a lot of volume in Super Mario Odyssey,” he said. “That was a big focus in development: give the player loads to do. We pushed ourselves to create as much as we could. I can’t announce anything specifically today, but of course, if there was a really cool idea for us to do, then we would certainly be thinking about DLC.”

Hopefully, they do do DLC- maybe they could enable Luigi in the main game, or add another kingdom or two. Super Mario Odyssey is the kind of game that lends itself very well to expansion- hopefully Nintendo follows up on that. You can check out the full story, and get more information on the game, in Game Informer’s March issue. You can subscribe to the latest Gameinformer magazine over here.

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