Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS Nintendo Direct Planned for April 8th

Release date info incoming?

Nintendo dropped a whole ton of information for the next Mario Kart 8 and it seems that Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS are soon to arrive as well. Nintendo has revealed that it will be hosting an edition of Nintendo Direct solely for the fighting game on April 8th.

Timings for the broadcast are 3 PM PST, 6 PM EST, 12 AM BST April 9th and 8 AM AEST April 9th. This will perhaps be the first major details about the game since its initial unveil at last year’s E3. Perhaps a definitive release date for the year, along with some new gameplay features and modes showcased? One can always hope.

As of now, we know that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be featured in Super Smash Bros. What other surprises await us? Stay tuned for this Tuesday to find out and let us know your thoughts on the game in the comments below.


3DSNintendonintendo directsuper smash brosTeam Sorawii u