Surgeon Simulator 2013 Easter Egg Has Nothing to Do With Half-Life 3

Or so they want you to think (but really, it doesn't).

As revealed recently, Bossa Studios’ Surgeon Simulator 2013 received an update that allows you to play as the Medic as he operates on the Heavy. In the game, there was an object with a note taped to the bottom with Korean text that simply translated to “The time is”.

Naturally, for those familiar with the first Half Life – where one of the opening lines was “The time is 8:47 AM” – assumed this was in reference to the Half Life series. Hence, Half Life 3 confirmed.

But not so fast, said the developer on Twitter, when addressing if this had anything to do with Half Life at all. “Whoa! It seems that you’ve got a little ahead of yourselves! Here’s a clue: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY VALVE GAMES! Carry on now…”

Yet another dead end? Not quite. As of now, Valve has an ARG going on right now, which appears to be Half Life 3 related. Whatever happens, one can’t deny that at least a few people are going to be mind-f**ked by the end.

Bossa StudiosHalf Life 3Surgeon Simulator 2013Team Fortress 2Valve Software