While Tales of Xillia only recently released for the West, Namco Bandai is already prepping for the next waves of Tales games. After recently filing three trademarks with Tales of Zestoria, Tales of Creales and Tales of Catastora, it has been discovered that the published recently filed for three more names.
These are Tales of Link, Tales of Jin and Tales of Ansis. They’re certainly the most unorthodox names thus far, and indicate a singular character being involved rather than an overarching theme. Nonetheless, given the hot streak Namco Bandai has been on, we don’t doubt that they’ll be unique experiences.
Namco Bandai’s last release in the series was with Tales of Xillia 2, which came out in Japan late last year for the PlayStation 3. We fully expect the sequel to hit Western shores in the next year or so, which should give Namco Bandai plenty of time to prep other Tales releases. Which one of the above would you like to see first? Let us know in the comments.