Tearaway Launch Trailer Arrives, Free Trial Arrives on PS Store

Media Molecule's exclusive PS Vita platformer is a joy to behold.

Media Molecule has released a new trailer for platformer Tearaway today, showcasing the various methods you can play the game and the mechanics it utilizes. This includes the PS Vita’s touch-screen and the rear touch pad for, say, thumping on musical drum instruments to reach higher places. Check it out above.

It’s also been revealed that the community website Tearaway.me is live along with a free trial of the game available on the PlayStation Store. If your curious to see how the game plays and whether it will be worth the purchase (though judging by the highly positive reviews for the same, we’d gather it’s worth it). Players can use the community site to upload in-game pictures along with papercraft models that they’ve discovered.

Tearaway will be releasing on the PlayStation Vita in both Europe and North America on November 22nd. Stay tuned for more details along with a review when the game launches.

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