Did you realize that you have not seen anything of The Last Guardian ever since E3, when it was re-revealed? Sony has had their Tokyo Game Show and Paris Games Week conferences, but we never got to see more of the game. What gives? Is it going to go all vaporware on us again?
As it turns out, no- Sony has a very specific reason for not wanting to share footage of the game with us, and it has to do with wanting to keep the game fresh and unspoiled for players.
“Development is going well, but because it’s about the story, we don’t want to show too much,” Sony WWS’s Shuhei Yoshida told GameSpot in new interview. “We wanted to show that it exists, it works, it runs. It’s not like we won’t show anything before launch, but I think we will try to limit what we show about the game.”
So there you have it- hopefully the game doesn’t perform a disappearing act on us again this time. As of right now, it is due to launch exclusively on PS4 in 2016.