The latest SSX to be way bigger than its predecessors

I am very intrigued in this game, as someone who adored the SSX games on the PS2. EA’s latest game for the current-gen HD consoles, seems to be going in the right direction. And this latest news solidifies this in a way.

CVG is reporting that the game will be larger than all SSX games that have been released so far.

“I think the size and scope of our world and the number of tracks is an order of magnitude bigger. I think our game is bigger than all the other SSX games combined, in terms of levels and tracks you can ride, said Todd Batty, who is the creative director of SSX.

He said that they were inspired by so many games like Call of Duty, Borderlands and the likes, that people who play this game will find something that suits their tastes.

The game will be released next month for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Stay tuned for our review soon.

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