The Legend of Chun-Li Writer to pen Dead Space Movie

What the hell? No, no, no, no...

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Variety recently reported that the film adaptation of EA’s popular horror action series Dead Space is still alive. In fact, it seems that EA has already found a writer who will be helping to create the script. That would be Justin Marks, who is most well-known for the awful, abysmal and downright embarrassing The Legend of Chun-Li.

Remember? The Street Fighter film that was supposed to be a grittier, more realistic adaptation of the video games that didn’t even feature an Asian woman playing the Chinese Chun-Li?

Regardless, Marks had his own take on how the movie should be penned. At the San Diego Comic Con, he stated that it shouldn’t follow the action of the game because then, “You would be making Event Horizon or Alien. I’ve already seen that movie.” He is currently looking for a “new and intriguing” way to tell the story, which could mean anything from outright butchering the core identity of the franchise to making something else entirely. Stay tuned for more.

Dead Space filmEAThe Legend of Chun-Li