The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Dominated Social Media Chatter During E3

The next Zelda game captivated everyone alike.

Nintendo may be a mess, the NX may be building up to be a complete disaster (who can tell? Not us, since we don’t actually have anything on the console except for conflicting reports), and I have no idea what motivated Nintendo’s strategy for E3- in other words, Nintendo as a company may be in disarray, due to them being hopelessly out of their depth when it comes to most things.

But the one thing they are good at still is making the very best games, and they showed off what might be the best one they have worked on in decades at E3 this year with Zelda. They showed it, and people couldn’t stop talking about it, with Zelda being the single most talked about game online during E3, according to a study by BrandWatch. Looks like making actual good games will help you gain some mindshare again, Nintendo!

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is due out on the Nintendo NX and Wii U next year.

NintendoNintendo NXThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwii u