The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild New Video Shows Off Some Of The Weapons In The Game

Game looking great as always.

Nintendo continue to release snippets of gameplay for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, showing off tantalizing snippets of what the eagerly anticipated upcoming action adventure game will look like. The newest one of these gameplay video clips was just shared, and it gives us a look at some of the weapons, as well as their associated mechanics, in the game.

The video was shared via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets (and for some reason, it looks really washed out- Nintendo really need to do something about color correction in their videos). It’s not much, but for information starved Zelda fans eagerly awaiting the release of the game next year, even this will probably be enough. It also helps that what is shown looks tantalizingly great.

The Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild will be launching in 2017 for Wii U and the Nintendo NX, and more information on it is expected at the Nintendo NX reveal event.

NintendoNintendo NXThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwii u