The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Switch Listing Pops Up On Amazon UK

Could the black sheep of the Zelda family be headed to the Switch?

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is something of a black sheep in the Zelda family. Though a great game in its own right that saw plenty of critical praise when it launched on the Wii in 2011, the game has since often been maligned for its excessively linear nature, and how it seemed to be spoon-feeding players all the time. The criticism it got for those things was, in fact, what led to Nintendo going in the completely opposite direction with its successor, Breath of the Wild.

But it seems the Wii title might soon have its time in the sun once more, and fans of the game could get another chance to dive back into it. A listing for a Nintendo Switch release of the game has gone up on Amazon UK– it likely won’t stay up for long, so if the page has been taken down by the time you click on that link, you can check out a screen grab below.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was particularly reliant on the Wii’s motion controls, so it will be interesting to see how the game manages on the Switch, if it is indeed brought over. Given the fact that Nintendo also have the Switch Lite to consider, it’s likely that if they do indeed port Skyward Sword, they will do so with a traditional control scheme.

But of course, this is completely unconfirmed and unverified for now, and especially with Nintendo, it’s best not to believe anything until it’s officially confirmed. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard of Skyward Sword coming to the Switch, after all. In 2018, in fact, Nintendo said that they had no plans to bring the game to the Switch… but that was 2018, and this is now, so you never know.

This isn’t the only game Amazon UK have recently spilled the beans on- they recently also put up a listing of a remaster for 2010’s Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Read more on that through here.

Nintendonintendo switchthe legend of zelda: skyward sword