The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Final Trailer is Premiering Tomorrow

The trailer, which is set to go live at 7 AM PT on April 13, will be roughly three minutes long, Nintendo has confirmed.
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the KingdomThe Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

With The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom now exactly month away from launch, excitement is continuing to mount surrounding the open world behemoth. Details on it have been few and far between, but recent leaks have seen Nintendo pulling back the curtain and beginning to trickle out new information. Now, hot on the heels of its recent 10-minute long gameplay demonstration, it’s set to receive another new showing.

Nintendo has confirmed that it will be premiering the final pre-launch trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom tomorrow, on April 13. It will go live at 7 AM PT, and according to Nintendo, is set to be roughly 3 minutes long.

Very little has been revealed about the open world sequel’s story up until this point, even though past trailers have dropped plenty of tantalizing hints, so hopefully, we’ll be finding out much more about that, its world, and more- maybe even a look at some of the dungeons? Either way, we’ll know soon enough, so stay tuned.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is due out on May 12 for the Nintendo Switch. Head on over here to check out some hidden details that you may not have spotted in its recent gameplay demonstration.

Nintendonintendo switchThe Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom