The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes Gets A New Trailer

Raise your hands if you care.

I never imagined that I would be so apathetic to the release of a new Zelda game, but here we are.

In the interests of fairness, it must be said that this is not a brand new mainline Zelda game, but rather, a multiplayer focused spin off for the 3DS that seems to take cues from the Four Swords games on the Gameboy Advance. It must also be said that this is going to be the fourth Zelda game on the 3DS (and the second one this year), with a fifth one already lined up for next year, so there is some scope for franchise fatigue here.

But het, if you are one of the people looking forward to the game? Good news, guys: here’s a brand new trailer, and for what it is, the game is continuing to look pretty darn good. Really darn good, in fact.

It just sucks that we were supposed to get the Wii U Zelda game this year, and we had to make do with this instead. Ah well.

NintendoNintendo 3DSthe legend of zelda: triforce heroes