The Opening Movie of Civilization: Beyond Earth Looks Epic


Civilization: Beyond Earth looks absolutely great. It takes the series’ long standing addictive formula, and, instead of having players relive (and change) history again like all the games in the series so far have done, it takes players to outer space in a space faring future for humanity- sort of like a spiritual successor to Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri.

It sounds epic, it sounds promising, as players get ready to chart the future history of humanity, and if you needed any more of a reason to get hyped, well then, here is the starting movie for Civilization: Beyond Earth. It looks so rousing, so epic, and it seems to set the stage for what promises to be a very great game extremely well.

Civilization: Beyond Earth launches on PC, Mac, and Linux later this month. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage of the title, including our review for the game.

2k gamescivilization: beyond earthFiraxispc gaming