The Wonderful 101 New Details: How to Control 100 Heroes at Once

Also, aliens.

Platinum Games employee and The Wonderful 101 director Hideki Kamiya recently set up a blog to talk about the upcoming Wii U exclusive. Or at least that was the plan, because he hands it over to another employee named Ichi who talks about the game’s story and how you’ll be controlling 100 heroes.

“As you travel through the wreckage the invasion has generated across each stage, you’ll need to save panicked citizens, overcome obstacles, take care of your enemies, meet up with additional forces, build up your unit, and prepare for a showdown with the stage’s boss. Along each stage there will be sudden developments that either uncover secrets between characters or a character’s past, or add more riddles to the equation.

“During gameplay, you’ll choose a main character that your other heroes will closely huddle around. This means you don’t have to be worrying if anyone is lagging behind. Actually, once you experience how fun it is to be slinging your whole group at the enemy, you’ll probably have a hard time feeling satisfied controlling just one character in other games again.”

The Wonderful 101 releases on August 23rd in Europe and September 15th in North America.

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