These Three New World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Ads Should Get Your Hyped

World of Warlords of Draenor.

Will World of Warcraft ever die? Probably not. After multiple successive quarters where Blizzard lost subscribers, they finally started regaining them again this last quarter, just as their next gen, long in development, MMO, Titan, was canceled. And right in time too- this year, a new World of Warcraft expansion is releasing, and Blizzard is doing everything it can to ensure that it revitalizes interest in the nearly decade old MMORPG.

Of course, that also includes conventional methods such as TV advertising. And these three TV ads are something you should be seeing a lot of if you live in North America, as Blizzard will be bombarding the airwaves with these ads constantly over the next few weeks, until the release of this game.

Warlords of Draenor will launch on PC and Mac. Blizzard is currently offering World of Warcraft, plus every single expansion pack ever, for just $20, to get players primed for this new one.

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