THQ Nordic Establishes New Studio, Nine Rocks Games, For Shooter Survival Game

The new studio is filled with several veterans of the genre.

THQ Nordic has grown at an incredible rate within a short timeframe. They  have acquired studios, older IPs, and even created a new subsidiary to improve output in Japan. It’s hard to believe how quick that expansion has been, but here we are. Now they’re even forming some new studios for certain projects, with their newest one being Nine Rocks Games.

The formation of the studio was announced by a press release. It will be spearheaded by industry veteran David Durcak, and is said to be filled with veterans who have worked on the likes of DayZ, Soldier of Fortune: Payback, Conan, and Chaser. Though no specific details are giving on what the game they’re working on will be called, it’s said it’ll be a shooter/survival hybrid.

There’s no shortage out there of those types of games, so it’ll be interesting to follow and see what it is the new Nine Rocks Games will come up with to make a fresh approach. It’s said we’ll hear about the title in “due time,” so we’ll keep you updated.

Nine Rocks GamesTHQ Nordic