TimeGate Studios Lays off 25 Employees in Name of “Reinvention”

Lets go of employees to prepare for next generation. Er, what?

TimeGate Studios, which just recently was revealed to have been working on the abysmal Aliens: Colonial Marines with Gearbox Software, has reportedly let go of 25 employees at its studio according to Polygon.

Regarding the same, president Adel Chaveleh stated that, “Today, we had to make the difficult decision to let go of some great game developers. This is never easy, and we’re doing all we can to assist those developers affected.

“TimeGate is preparing, as is the entire industry, for the transition to next-generation consoles and new business models. As part of this reinvention, all projects and strategic initiatives continue to move forward at the studio.”

We’re not sure how high their marketability would be after the failure of Colonial Marines. Apparently, according to rumours, employees were laid off following a publishing deal that fell through. Chaveleh never confirmed the number of employees laid off either.

Stay tuned for more, and hopefully those let go find work soon.

Source: GIBiz

Aliens: Colonial Marinesmultiplatformnext generation consolesTimeGate Studios