Titanfall Initially Prototyped on Insomiac’s Luma Engine for One Year

This same engine powers Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall may have been built using Source, but in the early prototyping days, the studio experimented on several engines including Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time’s Luma Engine. Other options include Unreal Engine and Pandemic’s Zero engine, the former rejected due to fears of not being able to hit 60 FPS.

This was revealed in The Final Hours of Titanfall. Insomniac CEO Ted Price was friends with Respawn CEO Vince Zampella and lent the technology to him free of charge. Titanfall was prototyped for a year on Luma before an official decision was made.

The last-generation Source Engine achieved some fairly strong results, even if Titanfall isn’t the prettiest shooter or one that managed to hit 1080p on the Xbox One. What are your thoughts on the game thus far? Let us know in the comments below. Currently, the game will be receiving its first DLC, “Expedition”, in May which adds three new maps.

Luma engineRatchet & Clank: A Crack in Timerespawn entertainmentsource engineTitanFall