Top 10 Greatest Games ever made: Number 5 to Number 1

So after our first article: Top 10 Greatest Games ever made: Number 10 to Number 6, its time to wrap up this stuff. So without any further delays let me present to you the Top 10 Greatest Games ever made: Number 5 to Number 1.

Please do note that its impossible to list each and every game. There will be many games that you may or may not agree with us in this list. So please sit back and enjoy. And yeah, dont forget to list your games in the comments section below.

5. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

With a light saber in one hand and a mouse in the other is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Yes this game was one that can be played till 5 am in your basement. With that said this game had great graphics for its times and the developers matched that up with very deep gameplay elements.

4. Final Fantasy VII

Arguably one of the best RPG’s of all time, Final Fantasy VII is a worthy game that takes number four on our list. Final Fantasy VII was one of the games that set the benchmark on how future RPGs will be shaped in to. Featuring numerous spin offs like Crisis Core and a full animated feature film Advent Children were just an icing cake for Final Fantasy VII fans.

3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

When you  have a great Game Designer in Hideo Kojima, how can possibly a great game like MGS4 can go wrong? After winning many awards from major publications in 2008, Solid Snake’s last hurrah was worth it. Featuring ground breaking gameplay like octacamo and a great cast of characters, this one just cant miss our list.

2. God of War (Entire Franchise)

Kratos’s entry on video game consoles back in 2005 really did sealed Playstation 2’s spot as the one and only spot for video games entertainment. We all know how agressive Kratos is, but what touched us is the fact that Kratos had an emotional side too. God of War I and God of War 2 showed two phases of Kratos. If fans were thirsty than Sony released a prequel on the PSP. Arguably one of the best action adventure series ever made.

1. Grand Theft Auto (Entire Franchise)

The pioneer of open sandbox games, the series from GTA3 really has grown exponentially. Featuring numerous hits like GTA: San Andreas, Vice City and the various spin offs that were released on the PSP and DS made GTA a household name. Agreed that the series has many controversial elements but all that just increased the hype and made the series even more popular. Without any doubt this series had to be at Number 1 spot on our list.

top 10