The triple-A season is wearing down a bit as November approaches but there are still plenty of big-name games to look forward to next month. Granted, most of them are sequels but the sheer amount of star power on hand can’t be denied. Let’s take a look at the top 10 games for November 2016.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Arguably the biggest and most controversial title of next month, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will finally arrive, taking the series’ signature shooter action to outer space. Players can engage in space battle and zero-G fighting while exploring various planets and completing side missions. Multiplayer will further develop on Specialists of Black Ops 3 with Combat Rigs allowing for more customization and zanier battles. It’s out on November 4th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
If you’re not interesting in the futuristic trappings of Infinite Warfare, then Infinity Ward and Raven Software have something better – a remaster of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. With brand new textures and improved character models, enhanced lighting and excellent detail, Modern Warfare Remastered re-captures the magic of the game that arguably elevated the franchise to where it is today. Unfortunately, it’s only available to those who pick up the Legacy Edition of Infinite Warfare. Still with all the work gone into the remaster, it’s definitely worth checking out next month.
Robinson: The Journey
Imagine being stranded on a foreign planet and having to survive against all odds. Now imagine actually experiencing this struggle in first person as you deal with dinosaurs on the planet Tyson-III. Something has gone awry when your ship crashes and you must locate your missing crew. Set in a gorgeously rendered world, Robinson: The Journey is out on November 8th for PlayStation VR.
Dishonored 2
Emily Caldwin and Corvo Attano are back but this isn’t the same steampunk drama from before. After her kingdom is usurped by an outside force, Emily takes up the Mark of the Outsider and embarks on a quest to regain her birth right. New powers, including a shadowy murder beast and simultaneous multi-kills, make Emily a devastating force. Corvo is also playable this time around and the new setting encourages as much creative murder as the first game. Dishonored 2 arrives on November 11th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
Watch Dogs 2
Another big-name sequel in a month full of them, Watch Dogs 2 has significantly lower-key hype then the first game. You play as Marcus Holloway, a DedSec hacker working to dismantle ctOS 2.0 in San Francisco. Featuring expanded movement options, better driving mechanics, different ways to complete missions and true freedom to rally followers to your cause, Watch Dogs 2 may very well redeem the franchise when it releases on November 15th for Xbox One and PS4 and November 29th for PC.
Killing Floor 2
Tripwire’s co-op FPS has had a rather interesting release history. It’s been in early access since April 2015 and featured plenty of maps, bosses, perks and weapons since then. However, it will be officially launching on November 18th for PS4 and PC, bringing the Zed killing action to consoles for the first time. With six player support and even the ability to hunt humans as a Zed, Killing Floor 2 is definitely one of the more under-rated releases for next month.
Pokémon Sun and Moon
You can finally put Pokémon GO down. Game Freak’s popular franchise returns with Pokémon Sun and Moon on November 18th (November 23rd for Europe). Along with new Legendaries, trainer customization, the Poke Finder for photographing creatures and new starter Pokémon, there will be Z-Moves that can help turn the tide of the battle. The short version? If you love Pokémon, then you won’t want to miss Sun and Moon.
Final Fantasy 15
The hotly anticipated open world RPG – and perhaps the most important Final Fantasy of the past decade – Final Fantasy 15 is out next month. We know of the war between the Kingdom of Lucis and Niflheim. We know about Noctis and his quest to save his fiancée Luna along with repelling the enemy. But will Final Fantasy 15 deliver 100 hours of quality, role-playing content like we’ve always dreamed? We’ll find out on November 29th when it releases for Xbox One and PS4.
Football Manager 17
Of the many sports sims released over the years, Sports Interactive’s Football Manager series has been one of the most robust and entertaining. Football Manager 17 will up the ante further with two new playable factions, new challenges and other improvements. If you feel like skipping Call of Duty, then Football Manager 17 will be out on November 4th for PC, Linux and Mac.
Mario Party: Star Rush
Mario Party on the handheld sounds like an even quicker way to lose friends but Mario Party: Star Rush actually sounds kind of intriguing. It removes the turn-based nature of previous titles, allowing all players to move simultaneously and introducing interesting boss battles. There’s even a mode that allows everyone to play as Toad as they recruit other series’ characters to their party. It could be hilarious or it could make you hate your loved ones. Either way, Mario Party: Star Rush is out on November 4th in North America for the 3DS.