Ah, Boss battles! It feels so good when you defeat a monster in the dungeons or take down some giant robot. Nevertheless there are some bosses which literally make you throw the controller on your TV! Here we check out the top 15 boss battles this generation of gaming which made you go nuts!
Note: The listing is totally random and is not based on any kind of ranking.
Ninja Gaiden 2: Final Boss Battle
God of War 3: Battles against Hades
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: Battle against the Laughing Octopus
Demons Soul: Armored Spider Boss Fight
Killzone 2: Battle against Major Radec
Fallout 3: Battle against Super Mutant Behemoth
Portal : Battle against GLaDOS
Heaveny Sword: Battle against Bohan
Bayonetta: Battle against Jeanne
Mass Effect: Battle against Saren
Resident Evil 5: Fight against Wesker
Bioshock: Boss fight against Fontaine
inFamous: Final Fight against Kessler
Resistance 2: Battle against Daedalus
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: Battle against Dark Samus