Top 5 most stupid boss battles in current generation

We have great games. But some of these great games have some of the most awful boss battles. The game is overall awesome but they fail to achieve perfection due to the ease with which some of bosses can be defeated. Gaming Bolt presents you five such cases in gaming in no particular order.

Gears of War 1:Major RAAM

Major RAAM was a deadly looking boss. But he was ridiculously easy to take down. He was capable of only running, walking and shooting. When he gets too close to try, all you have to do is run over the other side of train and take cover. Repeat and shoot. Eventually he will be brought down.

Resistance 2: Daedalus

Resistance 2 had a huge scale about their boss fights. But some of them, infact most of them were damn easy. Daedalus  is yet another flying alien. His weak points are nothing but some points on the columns of a hall. Shoot them like anything and you will be done. I wonder the boss was so huge if he wished he could have crushed Nathan Hale easily!

Ninja Gaiden Sigma : Fiend

Sigma is still the most toughest game on the Playstaion 3.  But the final boss fight with the Fiend was disappointing. You just need to have enough health potions and powers to take him down. The batlle was a joke when compared to other fights in the game.

Fable 2: Lucien

Well Fable 2 was one of the best RPG’s of 2008. It had some beautiful landscapes and art design. But this final boss batlle does not do any justice with the game. The Hero has to just use his power for a few moments and there you go, your arch nemesis Lucien is done for good.

Gears of War 2: Brumak

It seems like Epic made the same mistake again with the sequel. Agreed the game improved on every aspect of games play but the final boss fight with while riding on the Brumak was a joke. I expected more of a tough fight. But unfortunately it wasn’t to be.

Update: This video is no longer available.

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