Top 5 Bad Ass Weapons of 2009

What a year it has been. We have bludgeoned people, shot at people, stabbed people, burnt people, sliced people and diced people. So now it is time to take a look back at the most badass weapons in 2009.


Modern Warfare 2

A beastly weapon, on all accounts.

The SCAR-H is a fantastic weapon. Highly  used in MW2 multiplayer, and often equipped with a Red Dot Site, this thing is unstoppable. With high accuracy, long range and dishing out a lot of damage, what more can you want?

4. Cannons

Empire Total War

Cannons can be devastating, not only to flesh and blood, but moral.

There are few things more demoralising than a massive cannon barrage from a well placed artillery battery. And if you find the round shot pretty destructive, wait until you get a hold of quicklime. That stuff is evil, it acts like toxic gas that lingers on the battlefield.

3. Hidden Blade

Assassins Creed II

Who doesn't want a pointy blade up their sleeve?

The Hidden Blade makes a reappearance from the original AC with devastating power. With the ability to swiftly and silently make your kills, the Hidden Blade is a very valuable asset. It may not be big, but I bet it certainly feels painful when an assassin is sticking it your throat.

2. Needler

Halo 3: ODST


When you get hold of a weapon that shoots out exploding spikes at a rapid pace, you know it’s badass. Not only do the large spikes themselves do a fair bit of damage on impact, they then explode, causing considerable damage to the erm… recipient- and anyone standing near them.

1. Electricity Gun

Killzone 2

Fraggin'? No- zapping!

There are few things more satisfying than liquidating someone with the Electricity Gun. There is a reason why you only get to use this awesome gun a few times- its bloody powerful. It takes but a second to cook your opponents with this high-voltage weapon.
