Top D-Day Scenes in Games

Top D-Day Scenes in Games

D-Day is one giant footnote in history. It is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of WWII. And when games try to replicate that day, most games come no where near. However, some games do come close to recreating the intesity, the fear and the bravery that was D-Day. Here they are.

3. Medal of Honor: Frontline

The first World War Two based game for the PS2 was a massive hit all over the world. And rightly so, as the naval landing’s scene is simply incredible. Your squadmates are throwing up all around you, bullets are pinging off your boat in all directions and ships are exploding next to you. By far the best bit is the sensation just before the ramp goes down. You’re thinking, “Where to go, left or right? Should I hide behind that guy? Where is the nearest cover?” and at the same time your making sure you have the right weapon equipped. Then the ramp goes down, and you hope that a lucky artillery shell won’t blow you away. Fantastic.

Moments before landing.

2. Company of Heroes

The first level in CoH has you storming the Normandy beaches, trying to take your men all the way to the shingle…which seems so very far away. MG42’s tear up the beach, and shell holes and tank traps provide your only cover. You start off with about 50 men, but play on the hardest setting- well don’t expect to make it to the shingle with all, or even half of them. And of course, once you break the initial lines, there is immense satisfaction to be had, using your sniper to take out the machinegunners from behind.

Get to the shingle!

1. Medal of Honor Allied Assualt

I feel a little guilty about putting two MoH games in this roundup, but this game is as worthy as any. Yes, its not the most colourful or best looking scene to be found in FPS games; but that’s not to say it lacks intensity and atmosphere. You can look to either side of your boat, only to see your mates boats blown sky high. Then your captain begins the countdown, “Clear the ramp! 30 seconds!”. No prizes for guessing what film this scene was ripped from, but its immensely gratifying nonetheless. And just before the ramp lowers, there’s a tingly feeling that goes through your whole body. Then- the bullets start flying. I must have played and replayed that scene so many times. Brilliant.

Blasting through the wire.

D dayRoundup