Transference Announced for Spring 2018: Elijah Wood Makes Things Weird

Well then.

It wouldn’t be a Ubisoft E3 presser without a virtual reality title but Transference is just…weird. The reveal trailer sees actor Elijah Wood talking about making an experience with Spectrevision that channels trauma.

Cut to some test subjects with faux VR headsets on and a man reassuring them that nothing within can harm them. He says it again and you just know he’s lying at that point.

Transference is scheduled to release in Spring 2018 and aside from it being a VR game, there’s not much else we know about it. As it stands, this is a surreal experience we could get into, what with its subliminal trippiness as opposed to straight up horror.

What are your thoughts on Transference? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates from Ubisoft’s E3 press conference. You can also tell us what you’re looking forward to most from the presser.

E3 2017TransferenceUbisoftVR