Ubisoft expresses confidence in Vita

Ubisoft’s senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key has expressed a lot of interest in the Vita and has mentioned that it is too early to say whether the platform will be successful or not.

“It’s a really good platform and we’ve always liked it. The way it’s designed, it’s a beautiful piece of hardware. It’s got cool features that you can’t get anywhere else. And Assassin’s Creed, we believe, is the right type of game for that system,” he said to IGN.

“It’s definitely too early to say that Vita’s not going to be a success. Assassin’s Creed III is not the only big Vita game coming this holiday, and I think that’s a good thing.

“We’re actually very happy that there’s another big Vita game coming for Christmas from a competitor because we think that will raise all boats. It’s going to generate a lot of interest in the Vita this holiday season. Sony’s going to be spending a lot of money and resources to make sure that the Vita is there and it’s relevant and it’s doing well.”

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