Ubisoft Shares Results of a Study That Reveal The ‘Just Dance Generation’

Yes, this is a thing.

Ubisoft’s Just Dance series of games became one of the success stories of last generation, almost against all odds, as the music based rhythm games became a breakout success even as music based games began to die off. It continues to be one of Ubisoft’s biggest sellers annually (and just FYI, this is the company that makes an Assassin’s Creed game a year, so that’s a big deal). Now, the game has become a part of pop culture vernacular- Ubisoft are sharing the results of a study conducted by the research institute IPSOS, which trumpets the emergence of something called the ‘Just Dance Generation.’

The ‘Just Dance Generation’ isn’t necessarily referring to people who play Just Dance- it just refers to modern day teenagers for whom technology is in inextricable part of life. Contrary to the older beliefs about adverse effects of technology, the so called Just Dance generation uses technology and gadgets to stay connected with the world, as opposed to developing anti social tendencies and becoming isolated. Pertinent specifically to the ‘Just Dance’ part, the study also notes that said teenagers are using dance games and technology to enhance their social lives, reflect their passion for music and parties, and bring them closer to friends and family.

The good news for us hardcore video game players (yes, there is good news for hardcore video game players in a piece about the Just Dance Generation) is that the study reports that a staggering 95% of the teenagers actively play video games- while 89% play video games on smartphones and tablets, 83% also own and actively play games on consoles. Ubisoft notes that 75% of those surveyed highlighted that the Just Dance series allows them to have a great evening together with friends and family, whilst 75% identified the game as a great way to get a party started.

Just Dance 2014 is out on October 4. Time to upgrade, teenagers of the Just Dance Generation.

Just DanceUbisoft