Ubisoft suing The Black Eyed Peas

For $1 million

Ubisoft is suing the band The Black Eyed Peas, because apparently, the latter have breached the contract regarding an iOS version of a game that is a collaboration between the two.

Ubisoft says that BEP haven’t “approved or disapprove the IOS game in writing or otherwise”, which breaches the contract, whereas they, themselves have kept up their end of the legal agreement.

Ubisoft, who has now spent $233,000 on the iOS port of the game, is suing The Black Eyed Peas for $1 million.

“Since March 2012, and despite Ubisoft’s repeated requests, BEP Music has breached the contract by failing and refusing to either approve or disapprove the IOS game in writing or otherwise,” say the legal documents (via Courthouse News).

“Ubisoft has performed all of the obligations required of it under the contract, except as those obligations that have been excused by BEP Music’s conduct or by operation of law.”

Apparently, Ubisoft have not lost $1 million, thanks to this breach of the contract.

People suing each other left, right and center. The hell is going on.
