Unreal Development Kit users making $75,000 need to pay only 1% to Epic

Epic Games has confirmed that a developer would only need t pay $700 for using the UDK 3 dev kit if a game makes $75,000.

Epic Games, VP, Mark Rein sent Develop the company’s pricing model, in order to come clean of accusations of “circling-vulture”.

The Unreal Development Kit costs nothing for developers to download and only a one time $99 fee is needed to be paid to Epic, if the user wants to sell a title made using the kit.

The chart below clears various misconception, including a popular belief that Epic charges 25% of revenue share if the game makes more than $50,000.

It can be as little as 1 percent in some cases, as the chart below proves.

Epic also stated that if a game makes more than $250,000 in revenue, the makers should contact Epic directly to negotiate with them.




Epic GamesUnreal Engine 3