Valve “Not Exhibiting” at E3 2015

Half Life creator says there will be no meetings for upcoming projects at E3.

Half Life and Portal creator Valve Software isn’t exhibiting at E3. The company confirmed as much to GamesBeat and revealed that it wasn’t taking meetings for E3 on upcoming projects. That includes the Vive, a virtual reality headset being developed in cooperation with HTC. There’s still a chance that it could appear, since many developers have received dev kits for the same, but don’t expect any projects from Valve to be showcased.

It’s quite strange but Valve has never had a very strong history of E3 appearances. The developer shocked the world by revealing Half Life 2 at E3 2004 and then again when Gabe Newell appeared at Sony’s E3 2010 conference to announce Portal 2 arriving on the PS3. As it stands, Valve isn’t listed for the PC Gaming Show scheduled for June 16th.

But as they say, it’s never truly confirmed until E3 happens so stay tuned for more information and details next week. Half Life 3 may or may not be included (just kidding, you know it’s not happening).

e3 2015HTC ViveValve Software