Valve Voice Actor Misspoke About Half Life 3 Development

John Patrick Lowrie says he didn't mean to give the impression of knowing what's going on.

Remember how Valve voice actor John Patrick Lowrie stated earlier that Valve wasn’t developing Half Life 3 for “several reasons”, some of them including motion capture issues and the developer having enough on its plate already?

Apparently Lowrie has back-tracked on that statement, removing it and replacing it with a clarification. “My comments just seemed to cause a whole bunch of confusion and when I tried to minimize the confusion I misspoke and caused a whole bunch more confusion.

“The most important thing to know about voice actors is that we’re the last to know anything. We don’t find out about a project until we get hired to do voices for it. What I was trying to say before (and failed) is that whatever Gabe Newell has to say about a project is the best info you’re going to get. He owns the company and knows what’s going on.

“Sorry that I gave the impression that I know what’s going on. I really wasn’t trying to and I really don’t know.”

It’s funny because the earlier comment could have easily just come off as Lowrie’s opinion. But knowing the hype around Half Life 3, it’s not something that some one in Lowrie’s position – or for that matter, any one at Valve – can just talk about without being prodded for more information.

Half Life 3industryValve Software