Valve’s Latest Project Is Not Half Life 3

Reveals Pipeline.

Valve has revealed yet another pivotal, game-changing innovation – and once again, it’s not Half Life 3 by any stretch. Instead, it’s Pipeline, which aims to answer questions and assist teenagers interested in game development. The project was started by a group of high school interns who currently work at Valve.

“‘What is it like to work on videogames? What should I study? What colleges are best for preparing me? How do I get a job in videogames?’ Pipeline will be a place where those questions can be discussed. The second is that Valve is running an experiment. Traditionally Valve has been a very good place for very experienced videogame developers, and not so good at teaching people straight out of school (the reasons for this and the tradeoffs are covered in the Valve employee handbook).

“Pipeline is an experiment to see if we can take a group of high school students with minimal work experience and train them in the skills and methods necessary to be successful at a company like Valve.”

Pipeline aims to build a community that can learn more about getting into and working in the gaming industry. More information about the same will be revealed in the next month or so.

Half Life 3industryPipelineValve Software