Velocity 2X Coming to PS Vita and PS4 on September 2

Kick. Ass.

Velocity 2X is a crazy looking, hectic and frenetic (and therefore awesome looking) side scrolling shooter game that will be launching on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita next month, on September 2. The game features some crazy action, including 360• shooting, gigantic bosses (that can even be destroyed by you flying your ship inside them and then taking them out inside out), and a kickass soundtrack.

The game is due out on both PS4 and PS Vita, and it will be Cross-Buy (meaning if you buy it on one system, you automatically get it on the other system) and Cross-Save (meaning assuming you have access to both systems, your progress on one version carries over to the other version, and vice versa).

We’re confident you’ll find that every aspect of Velocity 2X – including the art, visual effects, mechanics, controls, audio and user interface – has been refined many times to create a well-rounded and incredibly fun experience that can be enjoyed by anyone,’ the developer said on the PlayStation Blog.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

PS Vitaps4Velocity 2X