Vigil Games: “Wii U Surprisingly Easy to Develop For”

Lead designer describes Darksiders 2's core game "up and running in a short amount of time" for Wii U.

The announcement of several launch titles for the Wii U didn’t surprise most fans. It was the selection itself that was a bit odd, especially with Vigil Games’ Darksiders 2. The game will feature all previously released DLC, along with tons of extra content exclusive to the Wii U. But what is it about the system that is attracting both big publishers and small to take it up?

According to Vigil Games lead designer Haydn Dalton, it’s the simplicity. “Technically, it’s one of the easier platforms to develop for. We had our core game up and running on it in a very short amount of time.”

Considering the sheer length and breadth of Darksiders 2, that’s no small matter indeed.

Dalton continues, “There were no major problems for us developing the Wii U version, other than making sure we had a dedicated team to do it justice. For a new platform, it was surprisingly easy to port it to the Wii U.”

This brings to mind the simplicity of the first XBox, and how many PC developers signed on for it due to its similarity with the PC architecture versus the Playstation 3’s complicated Cell technology. Even after so many years, we can look back and find superior versions of multiplatform games on the XBox 360 versus the Playstation 3.

Will this simplicity aid Nintendo in establishing a strong Wii U lineup? We’ll come to know well after the console launches on November 18th.

Source: GameZone

Darksiders 2NintendoVigil Gameswii u